Busby Agency - Insurance Company
Welcome to Our Agency Website

The Busby Agency is an independent insurance agency committed to delivering superior insurance products and solutions to our clients. We are relationship-driven and strive to build long-term relationships with our clients by providing high levels of customer service and by representing the industry's top carriers whose business philosophies compliment our own.
Why chose an independent agent? Because we truly represent the client. We offer policies that will provide the coverages the client NEEDS...one size does not fit all. Because of our long relationships with top rated carriers, we have the ability to show you a true difference.
We offer insurance solutions for small business and individuals. Our highly educated, licensed, professional staff is experienced in answering any questions you may have and in providing the responsive service you should expect. They are supported by high levels of automation that allows us to deliver quick, accurate, efficient service to you, and others you depend on!
Kenneth Busby, LUTCF - Broker/Owner
Are you paying too much for your insurance?
Get a quote from the top-rated companies now.
You could save 40-70%.
Call me for a no cost consultation! (251) 209-6976
or email Ken Busby
- Life Insurance Review
- Adequate Disability Coverage
- Do I need Long-Term Care Insurance
- Benefits of a Cancer Insurance Policy
- How do I find the best medicare suppliment
- Am I getting the best annuity rates
- Can my policy ever be cancelled
- Do I have a good understanding of my benefits
- Enhancing or creating employee benefits
You may have many other questions or concerns about your current benefits that we can discuss and review. As a independent agent my goal is to assit you in planning and letting you know where you stand.
KM Busby Insurance